1.Can you get on vent?
- yes, but my english is not so good.
2.Age (As in how old you are)
3.Experience (As in how long have you been playing Lineage 2, which classes
- 1.5 year, im play on old revenge. nec,bish,wc,th,he
4.Country (As in where do you come from)
5.Class (As in what is your character class as main)
-hawkeye(i dont use him yet)
6.Character Name (As in what is your character name)
7.Alternative Characters (List them if you have any)
-dancer, spoil/bish/he
8.Subclasses (If you have subclassed, list which classes you did)
-destr,wc,ss-can change if will be needful.
9.Noblesse (As in if you're one)
10.What retail servers and private servers have you played on?
-only revenge and privat nationale server.
11.Previous Clans
-old revenge, ST, later empires. now: Suckmyseals clan( dont remember the name)
12.Why did you leave your previous clan/alliance? (Reason)
-I dont leave, Suck disolve clan
13.What gear do you have? You dont need to be a donator to join anyway just let us know what do you have .
-zm+4 , ss +14 , hd+7 , hom, vallhala, art + 4,
14.Which clan you wanna join?
-Anyone, but i'll be happy if i join to active clan, active ppl on ventrilo- active ppl on RB. (if i must choose im wanna join to swatteam.)
W8 for snow21r to answer u (AthanasiosDiakos)