1.Can you get on vent? Yeap
2.Age (As in how old you are): 19
3.Experience (As in how long have you been playing Lineage 2, which classes): 5 years as a bishop, archer, dagger and a lil tanking
4.Country (As in where do you come from): Greece/Athens
5.Class (As in what is your character class as main): Bishop
6.Character Name (As in what is your character name): iHeal
7.Alternative Characters (List them if you have any):My Previous char: --
8.Subclasses (If you have subclassed, list which classes you did): MS, Pala, GH, Necro
9.What retail servers and private servers have you played on? Teon(almost 2 years), L2Dragon, BnB, Noobwars blah blah
10.Previous Clans : Discension, Revengers
12.Why did you leave your previous clan/alliance? (Reason) Cause of their activity..
13.What gear do you have? +30 full
14. Why you wanna join Reckless? A well organized clan + Greeks