1.Can you get on vent? Always
2.Age (As in how old you are) 20
3.Experience (As in how long have you been playing Lineage 2, which classes) 2 years+ all less shilen elder
4.Country (As in where do you come from) Venezuela
5.Class (As in what is your character class as main) moonlight sentinel
6.Character Name (As in what is your character name) Ocarina
7.Alternative Characters (List them if you have any) none
8.Subclasses (If you have subclassed, list which classes you did) hmmm necro, yah only necro
9.What retail servers and private servers have you played on? l2revenge that's the bigest one i have ever played on
10.Previous Clans i think y'know it
12.Why did you leave your previous clan/alliance? (Reason) because they already dont exist
13.What gear do you have? You dont need to be a donator to join anyway just let us know what do you have . nothing special
14. Why you wanna join Reckless? to start to play l2 again like b4, 'cause i have tryd lot of servers and i dont like any, and i know that you know how to do thee things right...
PD: i miss my pantoflas <333 for ever