1. Can you get on Vent?....... Well so, I'm not a good english speaker, I can only write it
2. Age ( as in how old are you ) ...... I am 14
3. Experience ( As in how long you been playing lineage 2, which classes) .... I play l2 since 3 years
4. Country ( As in where do you come from ) .... I'm Italian
5. Class (As in what is your character class as main)................Moonlight Sentinel
6.Character Name (As in what is your character name)............MrsSalama
7.Alternative Characters (List them if you have any)..........Well, I got another character, but....it's for olys
8.Subclasses (If you have subclassed, list which classes you did)................. Storm Screamer, GH, TH, Necromancer, Doomcryer ( to summon my party at my current position), sps, Titan and Bishop :>
9.What retail servers and private servers have you played on?..........L2 Elite, L2 Frozen, L2 Osiris
10.Previous Clans.............ShowTimes
12.Why did you leave your previous clan/alliance? (Reason)......Hmmm to be honest I was bored of those nubs
they do not know how to play
13.What gear do you have? You dont need to be a donator to join anyway just let us know what do you have.............Well I got a full dc set +20, a dynasty set light +16 and bow +25 with a stun augment and +21 icarus hall and +20 icarus heavy arms, and +13 boss set
( full )
14. Why you wanna join Reckless?..........To be honest I've seen u playing and I like ur pvping style
So, As you want
if you want to recruit me I'm very glad to join ur clan